
Product Manager and Project Manager

Both product manager and project manager are important roles in any organization especially in technology-backed organization. Product managers focus on developing and executing a long-term strategy for a product, ensuring it meets customer needs and stays ahead of competitors. Project managers, on the other hand, oversee a project from start to finish, ensuring it's delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. Another difference is who they work with. Product managers talk to a lot of people, not only customers, engineering, and design teams but also executives , sales, marketing , finance and even legal . They need to make sure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. While project managers primarily work with the project team, stakeholders, and customers to make sure the project is delivered successfully. Both positions require different skill sets and approaches, and while some aspects may overlap, they require different persp...

Membuat aplikasi CRUD menggunakan CodeIgniter 4


Understanding Customer's Jobs, Pains, and Gains

As a product manager, you need to become an expert of customers and you can only do this by fully understanding their jobs, pains, and gains.  Understanding the customer will help a product manager, not only in writing a better user story but also to influence or even create a buy-in from stakeholders. Creating a customer profile is pretty similar with user persona. Customer profile has 3 key components: job or things that user wants to accomplish,  pain or any obstacle that hinder user from accomplishing her job,  and gain or outcome or benefit that user want after accomplished her job and this may include emotional gain. So whenever we're writing requirements in PRD or  JIRA  ticket, do remember to also write the gains and pains , even before writing the  jobs  or acceptance criteria. This will help the product team to understand what exactly our customer goals and pain points before creating or thinking the solution. “Successful problem solving re...

Watermark using Canvas & Javascript

Just found out that we can actually add a watermark to any image using HTML <canvas>   & Javascript.  This should be a piece of cake if you're familiar with HTML and Javascript So how do we do it? 1st create a  <canvas>  element in your HTML file <canvas id="myCanvas">Your browser doesn't support canvas</canvas> Then use Javascript to load image into the canvas var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); After that you can add the watermark using this script ctx.font = "30px Arial"; ctx.fillText("watermark", 10, 10); Now if you check browser, you'll find the image is watermarked by a text that we put in the Javascript code Result References